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- Publication:
- San Angelo Standard-Timesi
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- San Angelo, Texas
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- 24
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-k fr -V r-'" (V- 1 a i i ru i Myy" "umTtm -y A 1 vi jv" a'-- P1---' -jvO ''f' "jn MWM I I 12B Son Angelo Standard Times June 17 1954 FATHER'S DAY IS SUNDAY! THURSDAY-THROUGH-SUNDAY SAN ANGELO'S LEADING DRUG STORE 12S 8 CHADBOURNE Government Metal Buying Starts Again WASHINGTON June 16 (ft-The Office 1 of Defense Mobilisation (ODM) today moved to set the stalled metals purchase program rolling by authorising payment at the current market price The government which has refused for a week to buy lead at the market prise of 1414 cents a or even at 14 now is expected to place its orders tomor- rw original directive to the General Services Administration (GSA) established ceiling prices which GSA would be permitted to pay far lead and sine When the trade offered the metal at the current price of 1414 cents GSA declined to buy Yesterday producers made new offers at 14 cents and these also were declined With the lead market at a virtual standstill today ODM Director Arthur Flemming issued a new order authorising GSA to pay the going price for both the metals BOTTLE OF 100 (Limit 2) Melozets FOR REDUCING REO SI 50 HALF LB BOX FOR 13c Paper Nankins PACKAGE OP BB (Units) 71 AYlSU PERlSPECIAL! AIRMAN JOE BAKER Ballinger Airman Is Honored By Unit In Germany Far bring chosen Airman of the Month at his station in Rothwesten Germany Airman lC (Joe) Baker of Ballinger last monfh was made "honorary hi squadron far a day and given his commanding car and driver far a free night in town Baker is the eon of Earl Baker Ballinger dry goods store owner and is a radar maintenance man with his squadron As part of his award Baker and a buddy were given a dinner and tour of several German night clubs and cafes with his squadron picking up the check He wu chosen over several other nominees from the squadron on basis of military appearance and performance of duties the bridge since its opening a few weeka ago Patrolman Claude Bearden said ha crashed Into the truck driven by Made Wood 45 of Rio Hondo Wood was uninjured erett 35 was killed today when his car collided with a truck near the top of tha new Sabine River bridge'1 i Everett wu the first to die on I First Fatality Oii New Bridge i ORANGE June IS (JV-Askay Ev GOING INTO THE SECOND BIG WEEK CLOSING OUT! SELLING OUT! GETTING OUT! NUWAY FURNITURE MARKET 19 EAST CONCHO AYE (JUST EAST OF RITZ THEATRE) Concession Bids) Are Sought By Commissioners The Tom Green County cotnmfe-nioners are currently advertising for bids far concession operation of cafe grocery bait stand and boat dock to be located on the north dde of North Concho Lake Similar concessions were granted several weeks ago far the couth shore" i Bids on the north shore concee-sions are to be received by the commissioners before 10 am July 1 at which time the bids will be opened and considered The advertisement specifies thste will be a minimum of 39 rental boat operated from the boat dock and that bidders will construct all structures snd furnish all utilities i For farther information pro-apective bidders are referred to County Engineer Durham or Commissioner Jake Harper Reagan Sheriff Trial Continued THE COMPLETE CONTENTS OF STORE-BEING SACRIFICED WITHOUT RESERVE OR LIMIT IN A BOLD ATTEMPT TO SELL OUT EVERYTHING LOCK STOCK AND BARREL-ENTIRE AND COMPLETE-POSITIVELY WITHOUT RESERVE OR LIMIT -IN SHORTEST TIME No-Glare Lent Glowing Colon aJ Viosterol ALUMINUM Dlcalcfuin Sunglassu TUMBLERS Phosphate Color-Toned 1 LIPSTICK BY SARDI Manor CQc 24-ax Oaftra 4 19 BB in I A I thadet ea woman in In our Uhm aiiiMhcinteWiWH ALL SALES FINAL! STORE HOURS NO EXCHANGES! NO 7 8:30 PM DAILY COMANCHE June 16 The fourth continuance in the murder without malice trial of Reagan County Sheriff A (BUD Billingsley 65 was granted here Wednesday New trial date has been tentatively set far fan Judge Cross of Mnd District Court granted the continuance on agreement of attorneys Sheriff Billingsley 'is with the auto accident death of Barney Pinson Proctor farmer who died from injuries received fa a car-truck wreck Nov 14 last The other continuances were granted because of absent nesses both defense and REGULAR 895 TABLE LAMPS NATIONALLY-ADVERTISED S5I2S? LAWN CHAIRS SOLD COAST TO COAST RO-AT S96-SACRIFICED of etPeB 4 5 White Envelopes 2for5c Medium or ferge ixe (Limit 4) VKAY CONVENTIONAL STYLE FLOORLAMPS 878 1119 THEY GO AT 405 REG PUT REDUCED TO AAAAAAAAAAdj SOFA-BED SUITE RECULAR 13950 3-PC GREEN METALLIC fA fffk AT QUITTING PRICE UhIW (HMOGD OiBSi GBoGb Crosh Kills One ELECTRA Tex June Wh-A two-car collision near here today left one dead and four injured The victim was Jos McCUnton Vernon an oil operator Mrs Plueger Wichita Falls' and Willie Earl Quick 52 Vernon were injured critically Mrs husband and their daughter suffered minor injuries LIMED OAK SWIVEL TV TABLE 3419 VALUE ONLY 1 TO SELL JLfaWP Inin w' CAL-O-METRIC WEIGHT CONTROL WfAaurcLaMO thelhUKIT 700 050 VlMW lariMrihfeoaritoN amnniiiillliiimnna 7 BEDROOM SUITES MUST AIL RE SOLD OUT THEY GO AT QUITTING BUSINESS PRICES 14SSI 4-Pe Btoed NJ9 339M 6-Pe Orir Dr Setts 33159 474J9 9-Pe Solid Maple Meden I9L49 i SECTIONAL SOFAS TIME LIMITED HURRY I HURRY 1 13999 g-Pc1 Modem -'91A9 17999 3-Pe MririUe 1KH 339J9 1 Pe Twia Bed Ml MSI Si LIVING ROOM SUITES NATIONALLY KNOWN BRANDS 83999 SFe Ultra Madera 11959 1995 S-Pe Metallle Madera 13M9 90999 3-Pc Waal Frieaa 159A4 139J9 9-Pe Bed Brito MM 19959 9-Pe Two Taoe 13979 DINING ROOM PIECES 199J9 Maple Hutch Cabinet 19999 1979 Maiwfaay Ladderiwck efcalra 1191 11999 Maple Resad Table 79A9 10999 Mahogany S-pe Suite 1959 119J9 Mahogany Baffei 97A9 3650 VALUE LIMED OAK NIGHT TABLES -W GOING AT ONLY: 2172 BABY BEDS COMPLETE WITH -COTTON MATTRESS 2496 VALUEitmiMmi I5J8 MODERN OCCASIONAL CHAIRS RECULAR 4950 WHAT A BUY! ikfl (7 4 -PC BLOND 1 BEDROOM SUITE RECULAR 14930 POST BED VANITY ff ffA CHEST AND BENCH IPlPetlW MAHOGANY KNEEHOLE DESK 7-DRAWER hi AMmn ri WmI Tmhm Bi MYSTIC BOTTLED WATER 90c CAU 4297 6450 VALUE NOW ONLY Si tfaiii RhmmI Abaam TSW IwvVIRV VlwfBT FREE DELIVERY -Si Addington's OZARKA WATER CO REC 1995 BLOND STEP TABLES 1949 4.
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- Pages Available:
- 1,342,576
- Years Available:
- 1928-2024